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35 (III) - Lament, To be Loved by the World and God

Sometimes, Heaven’s too good a deal.
One wants pleasurable ways to sign,
And what better way than sinning unto death?
Perhaps you’d forgive your tarnished bride
Of the despair which plagued their life.

Can the king save me from this evil generation!
If the whole world were to rise up against me,
Then could you Father, if my heart is right with you,
Protect me from the multitudes?
By your Word, you understand Lord,
The cries of your afflicted
Who cry because they have to serve
Those in the light who know not evil from good.
If there are five righteous men in a city,
Will I not save the five?
If there be one, will I not save the one?
What am I saying? I’m no righteous one.
Kyrie Eleison. I’ve tried, Lord,
But I don’t think I can function
In either Heaven or Sodom.