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52 - A Tale of Babel (Book 2-I)

To have been stuck upon my bed,

Back flat against the floor.

On Friday was the fast for which

The soul struggled to last.


The greatest dream that I had had?

To die and meet my end

So unto God I could then pass

To pleasures of the next.


But one day was not enough

To starve oneself to death,

And even if I did commit,

Heaven I would reject.


We couldn’t all be like Judas,

What with his broken stool.

Some saints lived quick and virtuous lives

While others suffered long to die.


Each day I was not up with He,

A sword unto my side.

To bear with frail and weak body,

When death would give me all the time.


No reason to sleep.

No reason to dream

In this world of worthless things.

Evil tried to have me tricked

To think what was easy to get was hard.

Whole plays made about the “love”

Between young man and a maid!

Such things caused whole towns of boys

To cry for lack of waif,

But with God, I got so smart

That I knew the cost of love,

Love bought, love which was not,

Love loved, love which was.

The former, I hated that I ever sought,

But knowing gave me comfort,

In knowing I was smart,

Smarter than those who felt

They had no choice but to starve.

But me? I could have had my fun,

But for God I did not

Because even if all my acts

Were born from a wretched heart

I prayed that though my soul stained black

All good born from my acts

Could be given for God’s task.

No matter how I felt about my loathsome self,

I sought to do all my Lord said

To have eternal life and avoid eternal death.