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When flesh wasteth away may acts of soul forever stay

My Lord, my God, of Flesh of Blood.

I cry for what I’ve done,

For though the body’s come restored,

The soul forever stays

As he whom hast betrayed.

I have sinned, my tears could dry,

The fact will never change

I’ve betrayed the Lord, my God, my friend,

And nothing Thou wilt do

Wilt ever change the choice I made.

Thy Word’s never erased.


For in this life where I had run,

Thy flesh was raised again,

But my soul carries the crime, the sin,

I left You in their hands!

Yet Thou, my God, came to me still,

To tell me, ‘Feed my lambs.’

I know that you know everything.

I know you can do anything

You can even change the past—

How could you love so much this wretched man!

You call Him to repent!


Knowing everything, yet You still love,

This sob of soul weeping in the sand?

I’m sorry, I can’t describe.

I am a stupid man.

To think, You wills to love me as I am?


Pray Thee, I love Thee, my God.

Pray Thee, I never abandon Thee again.

I am Thine. Make me Thine for eternity.

In this life where the flesh wasteth away,

May the soul forever stay,

Its acts of love outweigh the hate.