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The forgiven gentile weeps over Israel his teacher

Father forgive me for how I’ve judged.

Thy blood’s poured on all our hands.

From the son, to the father, even to

The third generation,

Thy people, Israel, have offended Thee.

With thy lips they honor Thee,

But they don’t believe.

Old and young, from small to great,

They claim to love but only think.

To Israel comes Thy flesh and blood to drink,

But they take Thee as a slave

            To clean their house of sin.

And woe, my Jesus! I am the worst of them!

I’ve done as they, done worse than them,

But by Thy love, I’ve seen Thy light,

By Thy love, I was blinded and then I saw.

The iniquities of Thy people born unto Thee!

They had what I had not.

As babes, consecrated were they to Thee, my God.

Do you not love them more than me?

Why do they not see how they transgress thy Law,

How spit upon Thy grace

When they live contrary to what Thou hast claimed?


In the morning, Israel wakes, and she dresses herself

As the animal of the field.

Worse still, Israel believes herself an ape!

The same mouth which sings they praise,

Accuses Thee, the LORD of the Creation,

As a doddling fool who can’t even think

About how GOD may create a world WITHOUT DEATH.

            From her heart, Israel blasphemes,

That the LORD of life is thought as the LORD of death,

That the LORD of life had to kill innumerable life,

Before He could get to man.


Do you not love Israel, LORD?

Thou sees how they make you weep.

Israel had Thee at their beginning.

I received Thy kingdom closer to my end.

How come Israel who should be my teacher,

Adorn herself with the sins Gentile lands?

Pray Thee, Jesus, turn Israel to Thee.

Whether by gentle or harsher means, turn Israel to Thee.