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52.06 - The Justice of Inequality

The narrator re-introduces himself and talks about a short memory from the days before the 2024 election season - He discusses the justice (injustice) of voting between man and woman - He discusses how he views himself between animal and man - He expresses his disbelief in evolution

Excuse me, am I still on this?

Dear reader, please forgive.

I must refresh this ailing brain.

To write will keep me sane.


Do you know how tiring it is,

To write of pain, pain, pain?

I’d like to tell the tale I lived,

But I feel I should complain.

So we will be stuck with this,

My apocryphal fit.


The date was July second,

When I thought of the season.

November twenty-twenty-four.

Those blasted elections

Where one thousand in a city,

Would elect one to lead,

A man after their heart

Who’ll give honey to the bees.


Not that they’d receive

Anything they’d need.

Most that man could do?

Grease cogs in that poor machine.


And oh blasts, the meter’s off.

It’s eight-six-eight-six,

Syllables of six.

There’s a point I’ll come to make,

But I’m tired of the hate.


Me? I was one in Israel,

When on July the two,

I imagined the ballot in my hand,

And I began to understand,

That which the multitudes would say,

That I failed to understand,

Why a woman not on the draft

Should vote equal to a man.


Surely, if one be a man,

One like me should understand or maybe cry,

‘Why was my voice equal to people

Who won’t be first to die?

Why was my voice equal to people

Who will laugh and cheer

When lives are sent to war to die?

Why are their voices equal to mine,

When when they vote for war,

They’re the ones behind the line!

Why are their voices equal to mine!

Why can they decide who lives and dies!

How can a woman, a coward, and a liar’s vote

Be equal to mine who will die,

When those three decide,

That we should go to war when I vote NO!’ 


And blasts, then I remembered when,
 I tried to voice my concern

To he who I thought was man,

But he only told me I didn’t understand,

Why a woman who would not die,

Should vote against my NO to war,

Should have an equal right

To say that I should die for her comfort behind the line!


And oh, by God, this is all,

All I wish to relate.

I don’t think I was ever soothed until she came

And said I didn’t have to be ashamed,

I didn’t have to think about too many things,

That I only had to deal with what concerned me,

With what was in front of me, and nothing more,

And that I should… I’m disgusted at myself.

Is this how I kept my chastity?

After too many years living

Like the animal they wanted me to be,

Guess I couldn’t take it anymore.

I wanted to be a real human being,

A real being made by God, divine.

Perhaps the reader would laugh

If I told them I don’t believe we evolved from monkeys.

Well laugh all you like.

I have to believe a man’s a man for my sanity.

Because if we ever were monkeys,

I’d have to believe it could also be our destiny to regress,

And for my children’s sake,

I don’t want to believe that man could end in a greater mess.