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52.05 - A Tribute To Saint Longinus

Those who called themselves Israel, but were not

Raised the Son of God to die.

When the Gentile thrust his spear into Christ’s side,

A drop of blood fell on his blind eye.

No longer was he blind. Christ had given him his sight.

Unceasingly, about the miracle he wrote,

Until those who called themselves Israel, but were not

Delivered the Gentile to Pilate’s foot.

Then it came to be, this glorious Saint,

The blind man healed, for love of God rose,

Dead to the world, alive unto Paradise.


But what can I say of the godless today?

Atheists under the Christian name?

They’ve cast away robes of Israel

To dress in the cloaks of those

Who delivered their brethren to flaming coals.

Were they who called themselves Israel

Delivered into Nero’s games,

Or was the Christians screaming Christ’s name?


May heaven and hell ask the world,

Who delivered the Christians to the sword?

Oh pray, God, we love Thee.

If thy sheep should know the answer,

From servants of Hell they’d withdraw all support.

But their greed has taken them unto sin.

Help them, even if their blind by their own volition!

Who delivered the Christians?

Who were the groups?

They were the Pagans, Nero and the  ——?


God, Israel thy Church has handed themselves to wolves.

Bless our enemies, God. Can Israel bless herself?

If the wolves are to have the sheep, let them enjoy the feast.

Then perhaps, when they chew on sheep who chewed thy feet

They may become what they eat.


Saint Longinus was a blind man, healed when he speared

And received onto his eye, the blood of your side.

They delivered him to Pilate for his love of Thee.

He was given by the Pharisees.

He lived, a soldier blind in one eye.

He died with both eyes seeing unto Paradise.

But the Pharisees, under Nero met no lion’s teeth.

Who bowed to idols then, between these two?

The Christians or the ——?

God, it is you against the world.

No one who forsakes Thee can have any place in you.

They call themselves Israel. Maybe they wish to be,

But they are not.

How can they be of Israel if they forgot?

By them, spilled were their blood.

They’ve always hated those for God

When they themselves will break God’s Law

And sacrifice to idols to avoid the lion’s jaws.

They delivered, and will continue to deliver us

More on to the executioner’s block.

Because they are not of God, they will deliver Israel,

Truly Israel to the lion’s jaws.

Woe to them, those who call themselves Israel

            But are not.

LORD, pray such wolves be blessed as they feed upon thy flock.

May you, God in us be in they who eat us sheep

As Saint Longinus fed the wolves, head bowed before their feet.

May the blood of Christians spilled increase their love for Thee!