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52 - A Tale of Babel (X)

As promised, the narrator describes whom he loves. He praises his wife, his little babes - The narrator illustrates his past loneliness and the answer he receives on the matter - The narrator defines love - The narrator gives final praises to his wife, for which he loves as a life more precious than his own, then praises God for allowing him to love like Him.

A lovely maid in all her days.

A faithful maid in all her ways.

My church, my bride, my wife,

Relic of Paradise.

Sancte puella, fountain of life,

I received from her those like Christ.


Little babes, who worshipped perfectly.

Abba wept. How could they be for me?

One like God, from Cain’s accursed seed.

Abba wept. I was unworthy to receive.


Before the blood, with God I was.

Without the blood, alone I was.

One in the multitudes, in crowds of man,

One in the multitudes caring all for self.

A premonition of Hell,

So many crowded in the towns,

Crowded but alone.


So I came too. In the chapel I sought my God.

There he was, by candle, by moon, in flesh and blood.

A prayer, an answer: ‘Heaven is to love.

To avoid Hell, love. Die for another. Die to yourself.

I want, I want, I want… Hell, such thought.

For love, do what God wants.

But what is love? Love is four nails and a cross.

Love is patient, love is kind. Love will scream and die,

But love will overcome death. Love will resurrect.

And… why, look at you, looking for a wife.

Looking upon the Flesh for your soliloquy.

… God, I’m not perfect. Do what thou wilt.”


Then in time, I found her,

A maid for whom I’d die,

A life more precious than myself.

A lily amidst the thorns,

Adorned with fear of God.

She was beautiful, kind,

Like a relic of Paradise.

She talked good sense. She was wise.

From my fears, she comforted me at night.

Demons used to plague my mind,

But with her, it seemed they fled

From two made one in Christ.

With her, I knew God,

Less than I could have as a priest,

But more than I could alone.

Loving her, I knew Love.

Love patient, love kind,

Love that screamed and died,

Love that overcame death,

Love that resurrects.


If she were to pass before my time,

Then because I was evil, and she pure,

I’d probably become a priest,

So, I could have a better chance to see her.