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52 - A Tale of Babel (I)

Once I lived all alone,
Chewing fish cans
In the video room,
A closet of wires and junk,
And cameras never used.

Such was my life then,
Drifting through the school,
Distracted with getting red As,
But my heart had always screamed.

What’s the point
Of working for a world which won’t exist.
Don’t you know you’ll graduate
And find yourself replaced?

Then I’d say, ‘Quiet heart!
Let’s get to work.
We’ll use nothing we learn here,
But work so we’ll be spared
From the wrath of father and mom,
Whose hands land like burning coals,
Whose words cut to you heart.
So work heart for their applause
Cause you know there’s no God.
No one will save you from
Your hapless, hopeless days.
So work, heart work and save yourself.’

Back then in those former days,
I knew not my Lord,
But though I know Him now
My heart still screams for my role
Living in Babel