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52 - A Tale of Babel (II)

Here, in falling Israel,

Because she wears sin’s cloak,

I can only watch as she

Adorns herself for flaming coals.

‘Forward on the path!’ She says

‘Where forward? Heaven or Hell?’ few ask.

‘Doesn’t matter! Forward, we know the way!’

This is how she answers,

And the people love her answers,

Because she serves their libertine pleasures.


Me, I can only weep for I am weak.

Only one knows right and wrong,

And man, no matter how many men,

Cannot know this on their own.


A majority of souls fall into Hell,

Yet it’s the rule of Israel now

That the majority of people rules.

A majority honor Him with their lips.

They read what He has spoken,

But by Pride forget what’s written:


The people gathered themselves unto Aaron.

The multitude delivered him.


It’s like they ignore Adam and Eve agreed.

The acts of two over one threw all man out of Eden!

How much better shall millions decide right

Over two with perfect reason!

Not that they believe in these two anymore.

They’ll find any excuse for sin and pleasure,

Or if Scriptures clear, redact the Scriptures

So the LORD approves their lusts.


Oh God, who can use Scriptures to argue Scripture?

The devil makes use of Scripture,

Can a mere man argue Scripture better than the devil,

Who has more faith than any man,

Who will see Thee from beginning and end?

With your Word, man shall say such,

And then the devil shall say such.

Without God, who can say from Scripture,


For until one has thy Life, thy Flesh, thy Blood

Coursing through their veins, Love from above,

The devil shall reply, ‘But is it not written…?’

To every Scripture you hand him.

Too many of Israel’s children do not understand,

Because man seeks after their own inventions,

His law can’t be judged without He who wrote them.


Great, my heart’s screaming right now.

If only my mouth may scream,

But such is the case in Israel.

Her people have mouths but cannot scream.

We may only pray, work, and dream

Of the day when God shall save the godly

From the number of the godless

Who deliver us to judges.


Oh what grave temptation it is,

To align oneself with the people!

By the people, for the people,

But the people are all evil!

What righteous man, should ever want to please,

No less be chosen to lead

By an evil people,

Whose hearts are strung by the devil’s strings,

Whose minds are fixed to Pride!

Gone is the month of the Sacred Heart!

The people raised the month of Pride!

And their unrepentant hands have touched the Blood,

Of the God who died as and for filthy men like them!


They who readeth Scripture alone,

Oh how those alone shall celebrate,

When the babes of Babylon

Are smashed against the stones!

Of life and death, your daughters thought to choose!

How grateful will her enemies be

When the lives her daughters chose

Meet the stones against their choice!

For deciding life and death, the sentence:

God’s will over thine! 


Hear, hear, a man who reads Scripture alone

Is a man who reads by the Devil’s hand!

These are the results of Scripture alone:

Sixty million in Moloch’s crib!

A thousand wayward flocks,

And Multitudes who ask,

‘Is Jesus really God?’

Gnostic heresies risen again,

Nestorians wait in Hell,

For every day in Israel,

The people wear the cloak of Babel.

Is this how Lot felt,

Waiting out in Sodom?

Oh, I my heart can only scream,

For whatever I must do in Babel.