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42 - Oh Child of Abraham

Oh, child of Abraham,
I know the tears you’ve shed.
I know the cries you’ve cried.
Do you know it’s because
I’m with you inside?

Oh, child of Abraham,
All that’s mine is yours.
You are my child, love!
When you hurt,
I’m hurt as well.

Now I know your protests.
God, why don’t you save us?
Don’t you bleed right by us?
To you love, I’ll answer first,
Not one should die alone.

When wolves attack,
I am there by your back,
But if it is our time,
Then it will be, it will be,
It will be our time to rise.
And if in the safety
Of the flock I lead,
If it’s our time to rise
I’ll be there to pet your hairs,
Until you close your eyes.

Oh child of Abraham,
It’s for this I have died.
I bleed for your life!
If you run away to Hell,
I war to make you well.

For it is, the soldier bleeds for his home.
How much more will Abba bleed
For our home in your soul.

Hell tries to take,
What Hell cannot keep.
You are whom I love.
Run to me, lost child.
I already run to you.