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And Father, pray we’re free from envy and distress.
Please remove from us every bit of covetness.
Also please forgive, for though I know you speak,
I don’t wish to lie to say you speak to me
Because sometimes I think I bear false witness
When I tell myself you’re coming to help,
But that’s only because I fear you LORD,
And pray protection from the devil’s word.
Yes, I am aware of the verse.
The sheep should know their shepherd.
But really Lord, do we know?
How long has good been evil?
Oh sure, relative to this world,
We may be godly people,
But if the world’s already hell,
Perhaps we’re lying to ourselves.
Devils on Hell’s first level
May be angels to devils on the ninth.
In Eden a dress of figs is modest
Because everyone else is naked.
But Father, even then I err,
Because you gave our progenitors
Clothes of skins and furs
By your holy measure.
I confess, this may be an accusation.
In the churches of …
Us members are only saints
Because we’ve devils to contend with.
Though the Word of God’s objective,
We err in making ourselves relative
Where one gets into heaven
Being better than the world that ever sinks to Hell.
Yesterday’s damned is today’s self-proclaimed saint,
And what’s a day to you, Father? One-thousand years?
Perhaps I can only speak like this
Because I need help and am given to envy.