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Interim 2... Author's Note: 6/13/2024 - 20:51

I've noticed that a lot of people on Neocities have web diaries. Hmm, I burned all of mine, and to honest, I'd rather be off to bed right now. Still, this serial requires an update which I have not made yet, so I figured, why not an interim here? It's about time that I write a proper story rather than one-shot poetry, and since I better think well about how this will play out, I shouldn't rush the next the part by publishing verses drafted an hour before midnight.

Okay, I'll confess, today I was a bit lazy. A friend of mine reminded me of an old promise to beat Dark Souls III with him, and I just remembered today that I still had to do that. It's probably been about 8 years since I first proposed the run, and since promises are binding by God, I decided to start that work today. And I say work rather than play because for me nowadays, two hours in a videogame feels like two hours robbed of me conversating with God, developing my books, or praying the Rosary.

Yea, especially the Rosary. It bothers me very much that the most powerful spiritual weapon man could ever wield... it bothers me that I spent over 1500 hours playing games when I could have prayed ... 1.5 hours divided ... 1000 fifteen decade Rosaries. I can't figure out a way to describe what I lost, but my frivolous life supported by frivolous past-times put behind my development as a human being. But oh, I can't blame video games too much. To me, a man playing video game's is about as productive as a woman who reads romance novels. Both experiences are self-congratulatory. Still, I only hold this perspective perhaps, because I played only single-player games. This friend of mine, he played alone, but he also played with others. It's the latter experience which bridges gaps, which creates.

Even so, in spite of social experiences, I can't help but feel that everything outside of God is fruitless. Those 1000 Rosaries, who knows how many people could have been saved by them? And, this thought haunts me in all I do. From birth, we're all raised with an expectation of a kind of life: a social life, a work life, a licentious life, a life life. What is life? Is life to be spent on a chair or couch living another person's story?

Personally, I think the reason why video games, fantasy books, and romance novels have grown so popular as of late is because the modern world has no place for the soul. I don't think I can put this quite into words. It's like the world's falling apart and the only thing people can do is sit around and talk. Nobody really knows what they're doing because their morality is based on a relative string of laws which sinks deeper and deeper into depravity with each passing decade.

It's for this, that I really struggle to commune with other Christians. They think themselves better than other people: more modest, more chaste, more virtuous, but I don't think they are. I say their daughters dress like prostitutes and their men like a Sultan's boytoy. The men especially, send them... Lord, thank... Guardian Angel thank you for helping me refrain. What I mean to say is that Christians are relative to the world around them as well. They always wish to adapt and evolve, when they ought to be uncompromising in their beliefs.

But oh, what more can I say? this note is getting too long, and I think it'd be right for me to end, especially since I'm starting to complain. I'm looking for jobs right now, but I don't know whether this site is preventing me from getting any. A Catholic probably has no place in Marketing Departments who rally under the rainbow flag. Ah well. For now, be well.