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52.07 - The Beach Episode

Forgive me. I’m too critical.

I’ve told of what I hate,

But for our good poor reader’s sake,

I’ll tell a lighter tale.

But I don’t think it will relate

To what’s in Israel.


The two of us walked through the sands

Of a lonely beach

With opal waves without an end

No other eye could see.

Yea not one could see the beauty next to me

Who in flowing silver gown

Smiled, laughed, and set a rug for

Romance on the shore.

It was the perfect place and set

For a worm like me,

Where I could think to make beauty

Pink against a tree.


Below the white full moon

Shading blue the sands

On the rug she sat herself,

Brimming full of life.

I looked into her hopeful eyes.

It struck me quite intrusively.

I could kill my wife.


But why? I asked. How could I imagine?

How could I get away?

No, Dimas, you’d get caught right away.

First off, why the thought?

You brought her here alone to an unknown lake.

If you put in more thought,

By heaven and hell it’d be the perfect place and—


‘Dimas, are you going to sit?’

Her voice brought me back.


To took quick breath.

‘Yeah, I’ll sit,’ I said. I sat.


She brushed her hair back.

Softly, she said, ‘Dimas, why’d you take me here?

It’s a beautiful beach, but I’m sleepy.

What plans do you have to keep me awake?’


I’m getting tired now,

So I’ll just say that I kept her awake

By venting all kinds of frustrations about my day.

But surely, one must know the kind of ill man

She came to join herself too.

I was clean on the outside, rotten in,

But she was clean outside and in.

Damn her, actually bless her. I hate her.

She always claims that she has things wrong with her.

She does not! It’s just that same case.

The rich claim money don’t matter.

The beautiful claim looks don’t matter.

Everyone self-made knows everything material matters!

Everyone who neither had riches or beauty

Know the cost of everything the rich and beautiful have.

The only thing she did wrong was love a spiteful man.