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52 - A Tale of Babel (VIII)

The narrator repents of his previous accusations - He doesn't recant, but hates himself for accusing - He repents by speaking Truth, of how God will save the world through beauty - He promises to atone for His accussations by praising God

Rest done. Oh, I can’t accuse forever,

Not when I am the worst of sinners.

Hate is in my heart because they were born

In a time where sin was just the norm.

Their souls are born, steeped in Sodom,

But for love of God they seek sanctification.

All I have is a servile fear. I don’t wish to burn,

But they were born to love you, God.

I know all my sins, so I serve from fear.

They know nothing, so they can serve from love.


I can’t cry anymore for them. Neither would you want me.

You would have me say, “Please God, help me.”

This is my cross, to live amidst people who know not

Between right and wrong,

While knowing that better than me, they love Thee,

Because they serve out of love, not knowing their wrongs,

While I serve out of fear, knowing how I transgress thy law.


Of previous accusations, I don’t recant,

But for accusing anything at all, let me feel bad.

To repent, allow me to speak for truth, God help.

I’ll borrow words from a man like myself:


Beauty will save the world, if not the world, those in.

I don’t know how, but from terrible experience I know

All that’s ugly and hideous hide while beauty basks in light.

There is true beauty, and there is vain beauty,

But whatever beauty is, what’s beautiful will save the world.

And you know what? I’ll confess, I dislike vague writings.

Of this, I’ll speak exactly. Those in the world will be saved

By whom government seeks to outlaw. They’ll be saved by God.


And not some vague God of air or spirit,

But of a God whose spirit is felt in flesh and blood.

They’ll be saved by a God who spills His heart,

Who cries to make Himself a part of those who weep in the dark.

For so as the groom and bride are married into one,

So too will Israel and God be one.

In body and in soul, Israel and God are one.

God’s body with Israel’s body,

Israel’s soul with God’s soul.


For we have seen it, and bear witness,

And show unto you, that eternal life,

Which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us.

This evil people, whom God loves truly,

Will be saved by His beauty.


Yeah, I also was saved by beauty, but…

I should repent for my accusations

Before going into that story.

Praise God, praise the LORD.

May everyone in the world be His,

That the ugly witness to beauty,

May they themselves change

For the worthiness of His name, Jesus Christ. Amen.