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52 - A Tale of Babel (VII)

Ah, a break. Excuse me, rich or poor,

If one seeks God with all their heart,

Then pray, thou wilt know His heart.

I… am just a man. I’ve been called smart. I am not.

People today live in an ‘entertainment economy,’

Which is really just a scientific term

To describe an economy won by those

Who can steal the most attention away from God.

It’s why Lust, Sloth, and Avarice is in.

People pay for what they do not have,

And the trick is to keep them in lack.

The virtuous don’t need much,

But the sinful are always in want

And you can’t sell if there’s no want.

It’s not my place to say. I was born too late.

A… state will always be in a bad place,

When the people quit wanting for what they need

And rather want for what they want.


Suppose it’s at this point one may ask.

Writer! Isn’t this poem prose rather than verse?

Reader! You’re right, this is prose disguised,

But I keep it in this format so it rhymes.

When a text runs long in blocks like this,

The mind feels more full by what it read.

Like in French dining, with one snail that’s dead,

The presentation of the plate makes the snail worth it.

But oh, do trust, though I am a sinful man like Cain,

I will offer to this plate substantial meat.

For in these notes, I’ve much to say about those

Who claim themselves as Christians under Christ’s nose.

In the States, they claim themselves for Christ,

But perhaps I speak from hate when I say they’ll come to find,

That God had despised the way they lived their lives.

They say much about abominations,

But they themselves are abominations.

A man who wears a woman’s dress? Yes, an abomination.

But, I see women wearing men’s dresses everywhere.

Imagine how much it must pain God,

To see abominations judge themselves.

They think they’re in the right because they have the parts,

But oh! Can I give credit to an abomination!

At least some abominations can recognize

The difference between a women’s dress and a man’s!

Dra—dra—dra—the children of abominations deserve the dra—

Oh if you love God so much, if you pray for His Law,

Then let those who fly under the elephant’s red,

Give a worthy king all their guns.

Then maybe, he may end the pain of the few righteous,

When he orders all those who are for the Lord

To end all abominable women and men.

They call themselves woman? They wear a man’s dress,

But, I guess those who call themselves man are womanly enough,

To submit, to kneel before a man who has breasts!


Oh man with breasts, I kneel, my king,

And present to you this ring.

I got it, by salting orphan tears to the Earth.

I sent them under, and out came this ring! Marry me!


They are as abominable as the rest of them,

But yet they think they know how to judge them.

May Heaven see to the end of all abominations,

And may God’s Sacred Heart give mercy to all repentant!


But, oh now I see, so this is how the righteous see!

If I were righteous at my beginning I could see,

But, thank God, I can see because I knew evil so well!

Abominations! All of you are enroute to Hell!

Oh God, we can only pray to save ourselves!

The Christians are worse than men with men, girl with girl.

They listen to Satan more than God.

They accuse without looking upon themselves!

Their women dress like men, their men like huss,

Yet because they find one more mentally ill,

Deeper in the pit, they rave, rave, rave, accusing to their deaths!

Oh for those who stole God’s colored bow,

Here, from me, a mercy,

Maybe the greatest kindness

You will receive from me.

Abominations like yourself make fun of thee.

They can not face thee, because thou art they.

Their men wear pants, and their women wear the pants.

A man marries one like a man. They are man with man,

But because man has his arm, and the woman breasts,

They think themselves straight by the order of God’s holy mass.

They hate thee who have stolen the rain bow,

Because in their heart they know,

That they too are abominable.

It’s only by looking at you that they can feel better.

Good riddance I’m on Hell’s first level!

But Hell is Hell, and after death there’s no escape

If on Earth one has always walked for Hell.


So don’t seek a foggy grace, seek God on solid ground,

Where the Laws of His Covenant is carved on immortal rock.

Recognize abomination and turn away.

Only then wilt thou please Christ, and live for all your days.


Oh, excuse this ejaculation. I pity the gays.

No one should have to be rejected by they,

They who so much as them are abominations to God,

They who like them have adapted and evolved to this sinful age.

Oh, how I weep. Father, they know not what they do.

Oh, how I pray, for men worthy to be king.

I sit, and I watch, the blind leading the blind.

They can spot the abomination clear in another,

But they can not see how they themselves are abominable.

Father, we don’t need a people, we need one righteous,

Who can see all the people, all their evil,

And like Thee, with rod, turn them from the edge.


Yet, I hear my critics say, devils speaking through them,

‘Dimas! You focus too much on external holiness.

Dimas! Holiness is in the heart!’


To them I answer, ‘If holiness was in your heart,

Then the light of God would show light

Upon your abominable selves!

You are Pharisees pretending to be the poor!

You are rich, but dress like you are poor,

So that you may lie and claim yourselves poor!

You offer judgement on the mentally ill,

Who were born with less advantages than yourselves.

You cry about their abominations,

While you yourself dress in the manner of woman,

And your women dress in the manner of men.

And you think you wear a man’s dress,

And your women think they wear a woman’s dress,

But Satan’s Satan even when you call Satan, God.

Oh pity thee, thou hast evolved the Law,

The Word of God chiseled on the Ark;

Thou hast put a veil on its Commands

Because you know they can’t be changed!

So you have convinced yourself of new definitions

For old words like abomination.

What is an abomination? What’s man’s dress?

A man who lieth with another man?

A woman who lieth with another woman?


A woman who wear’s a man’s dress?


Can’t call half the congregation now an abomination, right?

You need their tithes, You need their… yapping mouths,

The vale between the hills, two roes like twins,

And lo—lo—lo—a word from them you’ve brought to not.

You know they are abominations,

But thou wilt not say because of ignorance,

Or worse, because ye evolved the Law to justify it.

If thou complain about abominations,

Ye complain about different abominations from yourselves.

God can’t help you until you tear out the beams.

All of you are blind. Satan can’t wait for you to die,

And find you joined to those you hated in your life.’


This will be my answer, Father,

But I don’t think they’ll understand,

Because no man would want to understand,

For so long as they seek to have the world and God!


My name is Dimas, loved by neither world nor God,

But loved by God are those, who love God for God!

Blessed is the man who can truly say,

‘Take my life, take my goats, my kids.

Take anything from me, but my soul!

And oh God, even though thou hast dealt in this deck,

With a two and a three in this hand,

Make my life a testament of love based not

On what one may get from God!’


Oh, and of love. My wife, that huss.

I hate her so much. I spit in her mouth.

She claims she suffered as well.

As if I’m supposed to feel pity for incompetence.

Double aces in her hand, and she ends with me?

She didn’t suffer at all! She never needed God!

Woman as beautiful as her, never needed me!


Oh, I’ve gone for one night and a half without sleep.

Allow me to rest. Then I’ll continue working for our bread.