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51 - Separate Amidst a Separate People

Lord, forgive me if I wail.
Each day, I find a new way that I fail.
I am separate amidst a separate people,
But I don’t know if it’s because I’m good or evil.
Turn back the clock sixty years back
Externals, Israel dressed with respect.
Internals, Israel knew right from left.
Now, Israel thinks right can be left and left right.

I think I might hate my brothers,
They’re stiff-necked and in error.
They say ‘I love…’ with their lips
But they don’t die, they kiss.
‘I love…’ I pray to only say,
For one whom I should die,
But I’m separate from the separate.
I will not weep if they should die.

They only cause me grief,
Because they don’t know left from right.
A left’s a right and right’s a left,
But when I correct they call me mad!
The Scriptures they redact!
Hypocrites, they claim they have the Word!
But they don’t have God, they have His book,
And they use riches as their proof!

But more woe, to those who do have God,
Who have Him stored within as flesh and blood,
Who make room for their lusts and pleasure,
As if His Laws are like passing feathers!
What’s carved on His Ark’s forever.
It can’t be wiped off for Sodom!
He has written what He has written.
The Word cares more for souls than feelings!

I know I am called to love,
To die for my brethren,
But God I don’t know if I can die for a people,
Whose ways are turned to evil.
Perhaps I’m the one that’s evil.
Perhaps that’s why I feel alone.
If that’s the case then it’s what I deserve.
I can only pray for a lamb to call my own.

Yea, a lamb of my own,
Who with me may be alone.
Pray Thee, I know Thee more,
By acting as a Lord.
Maybe I’ll learn to love as Thee,
If I learn how to die for her.
Of course, if she’s anything like Peter,
It’ll be right for her to scram and weep.

The Lord dies first, then the Church.
It’s the proper way of things.
As Thou hast died, we shall die,
And so pray we enter into life.
Maybe it’s good they make me grieved.
It’s proof that I do care.
Why do I care for they who don’t care for me?
Yea, it’s because Thou art in me.

Thou wert a Nazarene.
You felt loneliness.
Separate from Your peers.
Separate from Your brethren.

God, did You the feel loneliness,
Growing up an only son?
God, did You feel loneliness,
Of being followed only for what you’ve done?
God, did You feel loneliness,
When You were abandoned to your cross?

God, you know everything.
You know loneliness, and you know love.
You knew it all in Earth and Heaven at your cross.
Lonely by Peter, loved by Mary, Magdeline, and John.
Yea, suppose even if I don’t feel like it,
I may learn to love as Thee.
If to love is how we’re called,
Then pray I die for those who spurn Thy Law.