Library ----- Table of Contents

49.5 - The Sixty Million of Babylon

This poem doesn’t fit with the theme of this volume. But, given recent events in my home state of Minnesota, I decided to draw a draft of something based off the Psalms of the Old Testament. Enjoy.

Israel shuts their eyes to God.

They cut His Word apart.

When they wish to sin,


Their pride reminds.


What man should ever want

To lead such an evil generation?

Their souls know what they deserve.

Seeking self-destruction,

Moloch receives their children.


Sixty million, sixty million

Accusers against she who wore the cloak of Babylon.

Sixty million, sixty million,

Little pairs of hands dragged out of Zion.

They will never enter heaven.

Sixty million little mouths cry for vengeance.


But who shall hear them,

Save for they who pray

For Babylon’s infants to be dashed against the stones?

From Psalm 137 they shy their eyes away

Because they themselves are Babylon

Whom the captives pray against.

They think they can decide

Who may live or die.

Their teeth shall gnash against their bones,

When the babes which they chose

Are dashed against the stones.

Those who live by the sword die by the sword


            And vice versa.


Sixty million, sixty million,

Sixty million eyes will watch but will not cry,

When Mama’s chosen babe gets picked

Against her will to die.

Death to Babylon, death to all who wear her cloak

For whom the Heavens come to judge

With white fire and smoke!