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40.1 - An Interim, A Multitude of Words

Eventually, when you're either smart or ugly enough,
You see that what they call love are really just romances of lust.
Too often, marriage is a concession for the lusting of the heart
Where one hopes to find Heaven from the flesh of one.

But let's move on from accusing. I recant,
For I myself have known many a true love like God's,
But nonetheless, God help you in finding love
In the mud of what they call prosperous society.

There, they are never tested, and say "I love," without care
Like I ought to believe that they should really die for me.
In this life, I've only known one who died for me,
Jesus Christ at Calvary.

And if there had to be a girl, what better love than Mary's?
The dragon comes after the remnant of her seed,
All of us who believe in He.
When attacking the church, the dragon attacks the Ark, Mary.