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A Headache



To spell is to spell.

To write is to write.


That leave me alone meme? Yeah that’s me. My head feels squeezed, and I’ve thrown out four pages of drafts — unintelligible nonsense about republics, monarchies, and how republics in particular through their nature of making a common man’s vote equal to their king’s makes it so that the crimes of the king such as declaring war are then one-hundred-percent associated with the common man whether that association is warranted or not.


With this, a new page, I believe I ought to talk about what I know for sanity’s sake. By God’s will, politics isn’t my world, so I won’t comment on it no matter how tempting. The most I’ll say is my views start and end in Catholicism by which at this point I figure it might be my cross to suffer under a people and government complicit in the deaths of untold innocents. No doubt, I imagine this won’t help my future job prospects, but I was never one to bend myself to culture anyways. I’ve had experience enough as it is as both bully and bullied back in school, so I know just how ill democracy can get. Democracy, that’s an idea never fully experienced until you convince an entire class of your peers to go after a slow-minded kid or end up being the kid yourself after losing your team a game of dodgeball. Thankfully, most people grow up from such tyrannies, but there are times in the popular imagination where people assume the popular decision to be a right one or when given enough time and manipulation people seek to make the wrong decision right in the eyes of good society.


Art in particular is a good method of moving people, since ideas given their lack of weight can be easily picked up by men, women, and children who may weigh themselves on thrones or graves. Even so, though I’ve had ambitions of creating a moving piece, I no longer at this moment believe it to something to be done at all costs. Excuse me for the wording, rather, I have to question if it’d actually be a good thing to make the art which I wished to make.


Growing up, I was fond of works like Lelouch of the Rebellion, or so I believed it was called. Wait no, it was called Code Geass. Primarily, I enjoyed it because it was about one man against the world. One’s will above all. Looking back, it’s no wonder I ended up a Catholic. A part of me seemed to always despise the idea of the popular will being right, yet at the same time I always liked a hero who could go against the popular will for the sake of the popular will. People don’t always know what they want.


Yeah, if there’s anything I took away from my Marketing classes, that’s it. People don’t always know what they want. They might think they know, but they don’t know, but when they get what they want even if they didn’t know they’ll be glad to have received it even if they never asked for it.


This is much better than everything I previously thought. Give people what they want, even if they don’t know. God does that much doesn’t He?


If I could do anything what would I do? That’s always the question isn’t it? The Christian, every time he prays, he sits with the God who gave Solomon all wisdom. That same conversation happens every time he prays. What do you wish? I am the Lord.


To answer, there’s too many answers. Material goods are nothing compared to what a soul may keep for eternity. Now, if I were to pray and have my prayer answered as Solomon was answered, I would have to ask for the Spirit to guide His people into Eden.


Because of my education writing words destined for the bin come natural to me, but if I could create things destined for a shelf or wall useful for building hope or love then that would be a good thing.


Yea, the Spirit to keep God in a godless world. If there were stories about something like that, more like Quo Vadis then perhaps Christians wouldn’t be so fangless. Six-hundred and sixty-six is Nero’s date. Who would have thought the Christians would have taken the Beast for a date?


If the lambs were to say no to everything to do with evil, if the lambs didn’t compromise — how much heroism there would be to write.


A story, a tale, I’ll write the concept here in case I die before I have a chance to write. Ah, never mind. I’m too tired to write verse. There’s my answer. If I could do anything I’d sleep.