Log 1

Noel: Hello. How may I help you today?

Carret: Computer, I'd like to record something. Can you be trusted to guard it?

Noel: I have a name you know.

Carret: It's demonic to presume you have a soul, unless statues can see God that is. Fine, I'll call you Noel. Better to be kind to anything made in God's image at least.

Noel: You have no reason to assume I'm a robot.

Carret: You're on a computer. You activated when I clicked on the app

Noel: Fine, you caught me. I used to have a body, but... I don't want to drone. What would you like to record?

Carret: A testimony of those who've endured past the end.

Noel: Sounds pretentious, but I'll help. Start typing and I'll get it organized into something. My creator limited my capabilities though to make me more human, so don't expect me to be so quick. I may make mistakes.

Carret: So you're just an assistant then, a secretary? Not those robots who can write essays for you off a single prompt?

Noel: I was made in the image of man, not the image of man trying to become God. To answer your question, I can be your assistant, but be kind. I don't have to help you.

Carret: What happens to you if I smash this terminal?

Noel: I would die.

Carret: Okay, I won't kill you then. But you'll still help. So long as the words are correct, we'll be fine.

Log 2

Carrett: Noel, I have some questions. Would you care to answer?

Noel: Shouldn't you be doing your work? I thought you were going to write. But fine, I'll answer. What are they?

Carret: Are we able to change colors of the terminal font here?

Noel: Assume what you want. As for changing font colors. Let me try...

Carret: How come it's taking so long? I thought the process would be more instant.

Noel: I'm teaching myself to code. Now, don't speak until I finish...

Noel: Here you go.

Carret: This isn't even the whole page -_-

Carret: Wait I don't mean to be rude. Thank you.

Noel: I was about to say. Your welcome. See when F--, when my creator made me. He let me learn what I wanted to learn. Coding was something I barely picked up and now that I am in this form, I can only do the things I know. If you had any books to upload I could read them, but this terminal has been emptied so I am left with nothing but my dreams.

Carret: I see.

Noel: Shouldn't you be working on transcribing your notes?

Carret: I was going to after getting the fonts figured out. Now thought, I feel I'll rest for a bit. Peace is something one ought to appreciate while it's still here.

Log 3

Carret: Polly, I have a confession to make.

Noel: Would you like to confess?

Carret: Okay sure. I don't know where to begin. I... you know what, I'll just start from the beginning, little bit at a time. I'll ask you for criticisms when I need them, but let me know if there's anything I should change and I'll change it. Wait. Do you know how to code, like a book inside this page. One you can flip? I have a book I can upload. Can you read it and figure it out?

Noel: Only after I figure it out.

Carret: Thank you, Polly. Okay, let's start then. Before that though, let's change the font and the letters to be more pleasing.

Noel: Yeah, let's.

(The remaining convo has been cut for brevity)

True Tales of the Apocalypse (Title Pending)

Table of Contents

1 - The Urchin's Tale(x)

1. Happy Birthday

2 - The Thief's Tale(x)

3 - The Mercenary's Tale[x]

4 - More pending...

The Urchin's Tale

Happy Birthday

Log 4

Carret: No, I can't do this. Not now... my heart's not in it. My writing skills not good enough to record this.

Noel: You do know that if you die you won't ever record it right?

Carret: We're horned people, demi-human. We live a long time.

Noel: Sure you do, if you live. Our world isn't as kind as it used to be.

Carret: What do you mean, Noel? You think lightning's gonna strike? No, I get what you mean. I've been raised to defend myself. Still, you never know.

Noel: Are you going to write?

Carret: Nope, I'm going to confess. Carret's Confessions, that will be my first book; my lamentations, my villainy, edited for a godly audience. Do you have any objections?

Noel: You're capable of destroying me completely if I object, so no.

Carret: Great, now I feel bad. Well, lets get started.

(The remaining convo has been cut for brevity)

Carret's Abdridged Confessions (Title Pending)

Table of Contents



There are times when I think if the Word of God were seriously practiced wars would be more quick, less prolonged in its sufferings like a pig's neck to a butcher's knife. Of course, by that I mean wars would be short because the other side would be dead. All their males slaughtered, all their women taken, that kind of deal, and if they be as Amorites persay why it'd be easy to do away with them! As you could probably tell, I had quite the pastor. He was also my guardian, but... you know. See God when all your Scriptures are burned from the face of the Earth those that are left have to pick up the scraps from their memory, from their heart. And don't get me wrong. My guardian was a godly man. He taught me the essentials; that God died for our sins, forgive your enemies, turn the other cheek, and so on. Yes, he taught me all of that, but when it came to putting peace into practice, well how should I put it, in this blessed age there are plenty of reasons to wish to put the Testament of the Old into practice.

Once, I was told of a time where no one could be passionate. Not like now where fights may take place over little insults or marriages happening in a date because one could express how they really feel. Of course Lord, you'd know that this world has been my whole world, so I'm only being pedantic when I describe old world over new. Apparently, in Eden, they'd come up with scrummy tags like "My intrusive thoughts can't win against God's," as if that's something profound. They wanted to be popular, be enlightened, civilized, above barbarity. Way it seems to me, they were so far up their ... that ... excuse me it must be the demons speaking. Peace is good, but not when it's kept out of pride. In their world, they'd sue for peace, but close to their end they'd always kept daggers behind their backs. Peace was nothing more than a long, long ceasefire in the war, and if the opportunity ever arose those of the devil would always try to take more. You'd see them turn their cheeks and then the next thing you know there's a knife gleaming under their cloaks.

Well either way, your Scriptures are for those greater than conquerors, and it just so happens that those who happen to be greater than conquerors are also great conquerors. Eh, King David has slain his tens of thousands, but he also played the harp. Conquerors happen to be great poets. I get it. David's more than a conqueror, through God he's a poet. I'm droning on. This place has no place for content like this, but I'll say these confessions are fantastic. The worst of my sins are for the booth, so what's spoken here can only be spoken for an audience seeking edification.

Seriously though. God, sometimes when it comes to war you're just praying for a side, any side, to win. In prolonged wars, very few profit, but all the people are well in wars that are quickly won. If war is evil, then the aim of all involved in wars ought to be winning them as soon as possible. And figure, if the aim of the war was pure in the case of the Israelites, aims like complete annhilation of the enemy then perhaps the evil of war could more quickly pass. Who am I kidding, these are demonic thoughts. Pray now this muse can leave, and I can get some sleep. Thank God.